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Construction workers are needed to erect new buildings and remodel older ones. They build homes, office buildings, retail establishments, restaurants, and even roads, bridges, and other structures.

While construction workers are needed all the time, many are scared to work in the industry due to the various dangers involved. Construction accidents are common occurrences on job sites and many even result in death.

Construction accidents are covered under Nevada’s workers’ compensation law. While you may not need a lawyer, having an attorney on your side also lets the insurance company know you’re serious about your recovery. A Henderson construction accident lawyer from Cameron Law can assess your case and negotiate a better settlement and even go to trial if necessary.

Common Construction Accidents

The construction industry is known for its dangers. The top accidents, also known as the Fatal Four, include:

  • Falls
  • Electrocutions
  • Getting struck by an object
  • Caught-between accidents

Other common construction accidents include:

  • Vehicle accidents
  • Machinery accidents
  • Ground collapses
  • Overexertion
  • Fires and explosions
  • Workplace violence

Determining Liability

Most construction accidents are covered by workers’ compensation insurance, so there’s no need to determine liability. A worker injured on a job site can recover benefits even if they are at fault.

However, there are cases in which workers’ compensation benefits will not cover all your losses. For example, pain and suffering is not covered. If you suffered disability, scarring, or disfigurement or extreme medical issues such as paralysis or amputation, then you will need to file a third-party claim against the liable party.

Multiple parties could be held liable for a construction accident, including:

  • Construction site owner. The landowner is liable for any accidents that cause injury or death to anyone invited to the property. Invitees should be informed of dangerous hazards on the property.
  • Contractors. General contractors and subcontractors must ensure the safety of workers on their construction sites. The premises should be reasonably safe, with contractors legally required to warn workers of any dangerous hazards. The contractor also has a duty to ensure that all work is being performed safely.
  • Architects and engineers. Architects and engineers are responsible for ensuring the projects they are working on are safe and practical. They must meet proper safety codes and uphold professional standards.
  • Equipment manufacturers. Manufacturers must ensure that their products are safe. If a construction worker is injured or killed by a defective part or dangerous design in a piece of equipment, the manufacturer may be held liable for the incident.


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You cannot wait after being injured in a construction accident. Start your journey toward justice with Cameron Law. Claim your free consultation and take the first step toward compensation today.