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Even though we all know death is inevitable, nothing creates a larger emotional void than the sudden and untimely death of a friend or loved one. The void is even deeper if someone else’s negligence caused that death. No amount of money in the world could begin to fill this void. However, the fact is that survivors need money to pay incident-related bills. Additionally, although money doesn’t eliminate the grief survivors feel, it helps.

A compassionate Spring Valley wrongful death lawyer from Cameron Law also helps survivors move on with their lives. Compensation is available in these situations, but the insurance company doesn’t simply give it away. So, we fight for what you need and deserve. Additionally, a similar tragedy has touched many of the people on our professional team. So, we understand the intense pain and suffering these survivors must endure. This understanding fuels our commitment to you. We do what it takes to help survivors move on. That’s what the deceased person would have wanted.

Causes of Wrongful Death and a Spring Valley Wrongful Death Lawyer

The average American lifespan has dipped slightly over the past several years. This decrease is certainly not due to a lack of medical technology or qualified doctors. Instead, this decrease is due to an uptick in the number of injury-related deaths. Common causes include:

  • Vehicle Collisions: Today’s cars and trucks are bigger and faster than ever before. When these engineering feats are combined with excessive speed, drunk driving, distracted driving, and other bad habits, it’s no wonder vehicle collisions are atop this list.
  • Unintentional Poisoning: Most of these incidents involve unintentional overdoses. These tragedies usually have multiple causes. People take drugs they shouldn’t, doctors prescribe pills their patients don’t need, drug companies make the strongest possible medicines, and drug shipment companies move boxes without asking questions.
  • Falls: A fall from as little as four stories above ground level is normally fatal. Slip-and-fall injuries are often fatal as well, especially if the victim is very young, very old, or has a pre-existing medical condition.

All these causes have at least one thing in common. Usually, another person’s negligence causes the wrongful death. Most people have a duty of reasonable care. For example, motorists must drive defensively and avoid accidents when possible. A higher standard of care usually applies to doctors and other professionals. So, it’s easier for a Spring Valley wrongful death lawyer to establish negligence, or a lack of care, in these situations.

Compensation Available

Usually, wrongful death survivors are entitled to pecuniary losses. Nevada law defines such losses as:

  • Out-of-pocket costs, like medical bills related to the decedent’s final injury or illness, funeral costs, and burial costs,
  • Decedent’s pain and suffering, and
  • Lost future emotional and financial support.

Attorneys often partner with accountants, psychologists, and other outside professionals to determine a fair amount of compensation for future losses.

Nevada survivors may also be entitled to compensation for their own grief and suffering, usually under a separate theory like negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Reach Out to a Compassionate Clark County Lawyer

Injury victims are usually entitled to substantial compensation. For a free consultation with an experienced Spring Valley wrongful death lawyer, contact Cameron Law. We do not charge upfront legal fees in these matters.


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Get help after wrongful death. Start your journey toward justice with Cameron Law. Claim your free consultation and take the first step toward compensation today