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Whether you’re visiting Las Vegas or live here, you may have used a rideshare vehicle to get from place to place. Uber and Lyft can be convenient if you have been drinking and want to party the night away, which is what most people do in Las Vegas.

However, you might not realize that the same dangers you face in your own car could happen with a rideshare driver. Having someone else drive you to your destination is not always a safe bet. Your driver could get into an accident for a variety of reasons. They may be drunk or distracted. Or they could get into a crash that’s not even their fault.

A rideshare accident can be complicated, though, as it involves hired drivers and companies. How do you proceed? Contact a Henderson Uber & Lyft accident lawyer from Cameron Law today to learn more about your legal options.

Uber and Lyft Coverage

One thing that can be confusing about rideshare companies is their insurance coverage. Lyft and Uber cover accidents only at certain times, based on periods:

  • Period 0. This is when the rideshare app is off. Only the driver’s personal insurance coverage applies.
  • Period 1. At this stage, the app is on and the driver is waiting for a ride request. During Period 1, Uber and Lyft provide $25,000 per accident for property damage and $50,000 per person and $100,000 per accident for bodily injury.
  • Period 2. This is the active stage in which a driver is en route to pick up a passenger or is transporting passengers. At this stage, Uber and Lyft both offer $1 million for third-party auto liability, uninsured/underinsured motorist bodily injury, and contingent comprehensive and collision coverage up to the actual cash value of the car.

What Should I Do?

After an accident involving a rideshare vehicle, you will want to follow the same procedures for any other car crash, for the most part. You should still gather the information of everyone involved, as well as call the police and seek medical help. Even if you feel fine, you should get checked out by a doctor. This will show the insurance company that you are being proactive about possible injuries.

One thing you don’t want to forget to do, though, is contact the rideshare company. You should be able to use the app or go online and report the accident. There should be instructions online. Follow them and a representative should contact you shortly.


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You cannot wait after being injured in a uber and lyft accident. Start your journey toward justice with Cameron Law. Claim your free consultation and take the first step toward compensation today.