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Whether you ride the bus frequently, occasionally, or not at all, you could be at risk for serious injuries as a passenger or other road user in a Nevada bus accident. Fortunately, these incidents do not occur frequently. On average, there are just 27 collisions involving buses in the state every year. However, another statistic reveals the dangers: Three individuals are killed and another 22 suffer injuries in bus accidents, meaning that almost 93 percent of these crashes cause a fatality or harm to a victim.

You could suffer devastating losses after being hurt in a bus collision, so it is a comfort to know that you have options under Nevada law. Our team at Cameron Law will assist in pursuing them and getting the compensation you deserve. Please contact us to set up a free case assessment with a Paradise bus accident lawyer who will advise you on the legal process. You can also read on to learn more about your rights.

Common Causes Behind Bus Accidents in Nevada

Like other motor vehicle crashes, careless drivers are the reason bus collisions happen. In the practice of law, the term for liability is negligence. You must have evidence showing that the at-fault motorist failed to exercise reasonable care while driving, and this misconduct directly caused the accident. Examples of driver negligence include:

  • Speeding;
  • Running red lights;
  • Driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol;
  • Failure to yield; and,
  • Texting, talking on the phone, eating, using a GPS, and other forms of distracted driving.

The negligent party may be the bus driver, and you could be injured as a passenger or occupant of another car. Alternatively, you might be riding while another careless driver strikes the bus. Regardless, if you have proof of negligence, you may recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

Overcoming Challenges in the Legal Process

Initially, you will typically file an insurance claim and attempt to settle out-of-court. If you cannot agree, you must sue in court. Our Paradise bus accidents lawyers at Cameron Law will assist with all requirements, especially considering the obstacles that often arise in the legal process. For instance:

  • Insurers are for-profit businesses. They will often refuse to settle for a fair amount because they are looking out for their own financial interests, not yours.
  • There is a time restriction on filing a lawsuit, so you must sue in court according to Nevada’s statute of limitations. The deadline is two years after the date of the accident.
  • Nevada follows the law of contributory negligence, which could reduce your compensation if you were also careless in causing the bus collision.

Call Now to Speak to a Skilled Paradise Bus Accident Attorney

Though you might be entitled to monetary damages, you can see how pitfalls in the legal process stand in the way. For more information on how Cameron Law will fight for your rights, please contact our firm to schedule a no-cost consultation. After learning more about your situation, a Paradise bus accident lawyer will discuss strategy.


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Your Road to Recovery Starts Here

You cannot wait after being injured in a bus accident. Start your journey toward justice with Cameron Law. Claim your free consultation and take the first step toward compensation today.