Legal Support for Scooter Accidents Cases
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Legal Support for Scooter Accidents Cases
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In major cities around the country, you’ll find companies like Lime, Bird and even Uber renting out electric scooters that can be picked up, ridden and dropped wherever you like, and the entire rental transaction takes place on your smartphone with a tap on the app. You won’t find these companies operating in Las Vegas, though, nor in Henderson, North Las Vegas, Spring Valley or Paradise. These cities have not yet chosen to let the companies in. This doesn’t mean you won’t find e-scooters in Vegas though; quite the contrary. Local businesses sell and rent all varieties of e-scooters. With more options available, there is more variability in scooter type from business to business. And while e-scooters generally travel at low speeds up to 12 or 15 miles per hour, there is still a risk of injury not just to the rider but to pedestrians, bicyclists, and even motor vehicle occupants. The personal injury attorney at Cameron Law is committed to helping accident victims recover compensation from negligent drivers and operators of all types of vehicles. If you’ve been hurt in a Las Vegas scooter accident, call our dedicated Las Vegas scooter accident lawyer today.
Record-Breaking Settlements
The state of Nevada passed a law in 2019 authorizing individual municipalities to regulate e-scooters in their cities via ordinance, so long as riders are over 16 years old. Las Vegas for its part has authorized local businesses to rent e-scooters. Unlike the app-based services like Bird and Lime, however, users can’t just drop their scooters on the sidewalk or lean them up against a post on the strip. Instead, e-scooter riders must return the scooters to the place where they rented them. This method at least removes one common danger with e-scooters, which is the tripping hazard e-scooters pose to pedestrians and cyclists when they are strewn on the sidewalk or the side of the road, blocking traffic and bike lanes.
Las Vegas also has an ordinance covering mini-motorcycles, motorized scooters and motorized skateboards. These vehicles may not be operated on a sidewalk, nor may they be operated on a public street without the appropriate license and unless they meet certain minimum safety equipment requirements. These vehicles are also subject to all state motor vehicle laws that govern the operation of either motorcycles or mopeds. Generally speaking, kick scooters and mobility scooters can operate on sidewalks, while e-bikes, mopeds and gas-powered scooters may only be used on the streets or bike lanes.
Many Las Vegas companies also run a booming business renting mobility scooters to tourists. While e-scooters are defined as standing scooters built with a platform or deck on two wheels connected to a stem and handlebars, mobility scooters are three-wheeled vehicles designed to be ridden while sitting down. These vehicles are primarily used by older or infirm people who have difficulty getting around or walking long distances. Lately, however, mobility scooter rental companies have noticed an uptick in seemingly able-bodied tourists who rent the vehicles merely for convenience and to avoid having to walk long distances on the strip. Not surprisingly, it’s not uncommon to see people operating these vehicles while consuming alcoholic beverages at the same time. Although mobility scooters tend to max out around 8 mph, their increased use, especially by people more prone to recklessness, puts the riders and others at risk of bicycle and pedestrian accidents as well as car accidents.
A crash with a pedestrian or bicyclist is likely to be injurious to both parties, while a collision between a car and scooter is apt to be extremely harmful to the scooter rider with less risk to the occupants of the car. Injuries in an e-scooter accident can be painful, debilitating, catastrophic, or even fatal. E-scooter accidents could result in all of the following, for example:
Determining who was at fault in an e-scooter accident can be a difficult task. If both parties are deemed partially responsible, the accident victim can still recover compensation from the other negligent party for their portion of fault, so long as the injured party is not considered more than 50% to blame. At Cameron Law, we have the skills and experience along with the determination to make sure our clients are well taken care of. We are committed to staying by your side during this difficult time and getting results that will help you recover and live your life.
If you have been hurt in an e-scooter accident in Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, Henderson, Paradise, Spring Valley or surrounding areas, Cameron Law can help. Call our dedicated Las Vegas scooter accident lawyer today.