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Nevada is a popular destination for business travelers, tourists, gamblers, and entertainment-seekers, and demand for accommodations has led to a massive concentration of hotels. They range from the massive, well-appointed resorts with all the amenities to smaller budget motels, but all hotels are subject to the same legal duty: Property owners are required to maintain the premises in a safe condition. Hotels can be held liable when they fail to do so, since this carelessness can cause fatal and injury-causing accidents.

You do have rights under Nevada law, and the basis for recovering compensation is premises liability. There are certain facts you need to prove, so errors and omissions could impact your rights. Cameron Law is well-versed on the requirements and legal process, as our primary focus is personal injury cases. Please contact our firm to schedule a complimentary consultation with a Paradise hotel accident lawyer, and read on for some important information about the laws.

Facts About Hotel Accidents

Clark County and the surrounding area are unique in the dense concentration of hotels, so injury-causing incidents occur quite frequently. Initially, you should note that premises liability laws are based upon negligence. You may qualify for compensation if you can prove that hotel officials failed to ensure all rooms, guest spaces, and interior and exterior common areas were reasonably safe. Additional factors to note include:

  • Victims of hotel accidents often sustain broken bones, cuts, and bruises, but they can also suffer more serious bodily harm. Examples include traumatic brain injury (TBI), spinal cord injuries, burns, amputation, drownings and near-drownings, and many others.
  • There may be multiple parties to pursue in addition to the hotel owner, such as an event promoter, tenant that leases space, caterer, or property management company.
  • Nevada’s statute of limitations applies to hotel accidents, so you must file a lawsuit within two years after the incident. If you allow the deadline to expire, you are barred from pursuing legal remedies.

Premises Liability and the Legal Process

Though the hotel may have been negligent, you will typically be dealing with its liability insurer after an accident. After filing your claim, you may be able to negotiate a fair settlement. However, you must sue in court if the insurer denies your claim or offers a lowball amount. Cameron Law is experienced in settlement negotiations, but we are prepared for litigation as necessary to protect your rights.

Our Paradise hotel accidents lawyers strive to recover amounts for:

  • Your medical expenses;
  • Lost income and future earning capacity;
  • Pain and suffering;
  • Emotional anguish; and,
  • Losses that impact your quality of life and affect your personal relationships.

Speak to a Paradise Hotel Accident Attorney About Legal Remedies

From this description of the legal process, you can see that your compensation could be at risk if you do not meet all requirements. Our team at Cameron Law is ready to provide essential support, so please contact us to set up a no-cost case assessment with a Paradise hotel accidents lawyer. After evaluating your claim, we can get started on developing strategy.


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Your Road to Recovery Starts Here

You cannot wait after being injured in a hotel accident. Start your journey toward justice with Cameron Law. Claim your free consultation and take the first step toward compensation today.