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(702) 745-4545


¿Accidente de autobús? No deje que el seguro lo presione.
¿Cómo te hirieron?*

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

¿Cuándo ocurrió el accidente?*

Gracias por contactarnos.
Lamentablemente, no podemos aceptar su caso en este momento.

Entendemos que esto no es lo ideal y nos disculpamos por las molestias ocasionadas. ¡Le deseo lo mejor para encontrar la representación adecuada!

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

¿Llamaron a la policía al lugar de los hechos y se presentó un informe?*

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

¿Usted o alguien involucrado resultó herido?*
Quién resultó herido en el accidente
¿Llamaron a una ambulancia?
¿Te llevaron al hospital?

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

¿Hay algo más que quiera que sepamos sobre su accidente?

Se ha producido un problema con tu envío. Revisa los campos de arriba.

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Nos comunicaremos con usted en las próximas 24 horas en relación con su caso. Nuestro equipo de Cameron Law está aquí para apoyarlo durante este proceso.

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(702) 745-4545

Cameron Law: Sus defensores de accidentes de autobús en Las Vegas

Bus accidents can be devastating, leaving you with serious injuries, emotional distress, and financial burdens. At Cameron Law, we understand the challenges you face after such a traumatic experience.

Our legal team is dedicated to helping injured bus passengers in Las Vegas and surrounding areas get the justice and compensation they deserve. We believe in a client-focused approach, working tirelessly to protect your rights and guide you through every step of the legal process.

Obtenga más información sobre nosotros

Acuerdos que baten récords

Luchando por la justicia: nuestras victorias en casos de accidentes de autobús

  • Accidente de vehículo de viaje compartido

    1 500 000$


    1 000 000$


    950 000$


    651 548$


    600 000$


    575 000$


    410 000$


    342 000$


    315 637$


    250 000$


    205 000$


    200 000$


    190 000$


    155 000$


    150 000$


    130 000$


    100 000$

Ver más resultados

From Investigation to Resolution: Our Proven Process for Bus Accident Cases

At Cameron Law, we know that being involved in a bus accident can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. That's why we prioritize a client-focused approach, ensuring you feel heard, understood, and supported every step of the way. We meticulously handle each bus accident case with the utmost care and attention, recognizing that every situation is unique.

Here's how we fight for you:

  • Thorough Investigation

    We leave no stone unturned. Our team gathers all necessary evidence, including police reports, witness statements, accident reconstruction data, and more, to build a strong case on your behalf.

  • Determining Liability

    We identify all potentially liable parties, whether it's the bus driver, bus company, maintenance contractor, or another entity, to ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve.

  • Skilled Negotiation

    We are negotiators who will advocate for your rights with insurance companies to secure a fair settlement that covers your medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages.

  • Trial Representation

    If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we are fully prepared to litigate your case in court and fight tirelessly to protect your best interests.

What Type of Bus Accident Were You Involved In?

Bus accidents can occur in various ways, each presenting unique legal challenges. Understanding the specific type of bus accident you were involved in is crucial for building a strong claim for compensation.

Some common types of bus accidents in Las Vegas include:

  • Rollover Accidents

    These accidents often occur due to speeding, driver error, or hazardous road conditions, resulting in severe injuries.

  • Rear-End Collisions

    Often caused by distracted or tailgating drivers, these collisions can lead to whiplash and other impact-related injuries.

  • Head-On Collisions

    These are among the most dangerous types of bus accidents, frequently caused by driver negligence, leading to catastrophic injuries or fatalities.

  • Intersection Accidents

    Failure to yield the right-of-way or running red lights at intersections can result in T-bone collisions or side-impact crashes.

  • Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

    Buses can pose a significant risk to pedestrians and cyclists, especially in crowded areas or due to blind spots.

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Su recuperación es nuestra prioridad: la garantía de la Ley Cameron

Después de un accidente de autobús, lo último que necesita es preocuparse por los honorarios legales iniciales. En Cameron Law, operamos con honorarios de contingencia, lo que significa que usted no paga nada a menos que obtengamos un acuerdo o un veredicto favorable para usted. Nuestro objetivo es obtener la compensación que se merece, permitiéndole concentrarse en su bienestar físico y emocional.

The Unseen Impact: Common Injuries in Las Vegas Bus Accidents

Bus accidents often result in a range of injuries, some immediately apparent, others surfacing later. Here are some common injuries sustained in bus accidents:

  • Brain Injuries

    Concussions, contusions, or more severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can result from the forceful impact of a bus accident.

  • Burn Injuries

    In cases involving fires after a bus accident, passengers may suffer from severe burns requiring specialized treatment.

  • Amputations

     In extreme cases, the severity of injuries may necessitate amputation of limbs.

  • Whiplash Injuries

    This common injury is caused by the sudden back-and-forth movement of the head and neck, often resulting in pain, stiffness, and headaches.

  • Catastrophic Injuries

    These are severe, life-altering injuries, such as paralysis, brain damage, or severe burns.

  • Spine Injuries

    Damage to the spinal cord can lead to partial or complete paralysis, requiring extensive medical care and rehabilitation.

  • Back Injuries

    Herniated discs and other back injuries are common due to the sudden jolting motions experienced in a bus crash.

  • Wrongful Death

    Sadly, some bus accidents result in fatalities, leaving families devastated and facing the process of filing a wrongful death claim.

It's vital to seek medical attention even after what seems like a minor incident, as some injuries may not present symptoms right away.

Determining Fault: Unraveling the Complexities of Bus Accident Liability

Here are some parties that could be held liable for a bus accident in Las Vegas:

  • Bus Driver

    Driver negligence, such as distracted driving, DUI, speeding, or fatigued driving, is a common cause of bus accidents.

  • Bus Company

    The bus company could be liable for negligent hiring, inadequate driver training, failure to maintain buses properly, or violations of safety regulations.

  • Bus Manufacturer

    Defects in the bus itself, such as faulty brakes, tires, or other mechanical issues, can lead to accidents.

  • Government Entities

    If a hazardous road condition, such as inadequate maintenance, contributed to the accident, a government entity could be held liable.

  • Other Drivers

    In some situations, another driver's actions, such as reckless driving or running a red light, may cause a bus accident.

Investigating the accident to identify all potentially liable parties is an essential part of ensuring you have the opportunity to seek the full value of damages you are owed. We will work to understand exactly what happened and take steps to hold those at fault liable.

Government Liability in Bus Accidents: When You Can File a Claim Against Las Vegas

If a bus accident is caused by the negligence of a government entity, such as the City of Las Vegas, you may have grounds to file a claim. This could involve situations where the accident was a result of:

  • Dangerous Road Conditions: Poorly maintained roads, inadequate lighting, missing or obscured traffic signs, or defective traffic signals could all contribute to a bus accident.
  • Negligent Road Design: If a road’s design poses an unreasonable risk to drivers, such as blind intersections or inadequate merging lanes, the city could be liable.
  • Faulty Traffic Control Devices: Malfunctioning traffic lights, malfunctioning railroad crossing signals, or other faulty traffic control devices can create hazardous conditions.

It is important to note that there are specific procedures and shorter statutes of limitations when filing a claim against a government entity, making it crucial to contact an attorney as soon as possible.

What Damages Can You Recover in a Las Vegas Bus Accident Case?

If you've been injured in a bus accident that wasn't your fault, you have the right to seek compensation for a wide range of damages, both economic and non-economic.

Here are some of the damages you may be able to recover:

  • Medical Expenses

    Past, present, and future medical bills related to your injuries, including hospitalization, surgery, doctor visits, medication, physical therapy, and rehabilitation.

  • Lost Wages

    Compensation for income lost due to your inability to work as a result of your injuries, including past lost earnings and future lost earning capacity.

  • Pain and Suffering

    This category compensates for the physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish you've endured as a consequence of the accident and your injuries.

  • Loss of Enjoyment of Life

    If your injuries prevent you from engaging in hobbies, activities, and social interactions that you previously enjoyed, you can seek compensation for this loss.

  • Property Damage

    Repair or replacement costs for any personal property damaged in the accident, such as your vehicle, phone, or other belongings.

  • Wrongful Death Damages

    In the tragic event of a fatality, family members may be eligible to pursue compensation for funeral expenses, loss of companionship, loss of financial support, and other damages.

Navigating Nevada Law: Are There Limits to Bus Accident Compensation?

Nevada law imposes certain limitations on the amount of compensation you can receive in a personal injury lawsuit, including bus accident cases. These limitations vary depending on the type of damages and the circumstances of the accident.

It is essential to consult with a Las Vegas bus accident attorney like those at Cameron Law to understand how these limitations might affect your specific case. We can assess your damages, identify any applicable caps, and develop a strategy to pursue the maximum compensation available to you.

Injured But Partially at Fault? Understanding How Shared Blame Affects Your Bus Accident Case

Nevada follows a "modified comparative negligence" rule when determining fault and damages in accident cases. This means that even if you were partially at fault for the bus accident, you may still be able to recover compensation — but the amount you receive will be reduced based on your percentage of fault.

For example, if you are found 20% at fault for the accident and your damages total $100,000, you will only be able to recover $80,000 (80% of your total damages). However, if you are found 51% or more at fault, Nevada law prevents you from recovering any compensation.

Time Is of the Essence: Deadline to File a Bus Accident Lawsuit in Nevada

For personal injury cases in Nevada, including those involving bus accidents, the statute of limitations is generally two years from the date of the accident. If you don't file a lawsuit within this two-year period, you will likely lose your right to seek compensation in court.

It's important to contact a Las Vegas bus accident lawyer as soon as possible following your accident. This will ensure that you don't miss any crucial deadlines and that you have the best possible chance of recovering full and fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

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Vuelva a encarrilar su vida. Póngase en contacto con Cameron Law hoy mismo

¿Está listo para discutir su caso con un abogado de accidentes de autobús en Las Vegas? Estamos aquí para ayudarlo.

Defensa centrada en el cliente para las víctimas de accidentes de autobús

En Cameron Law, nos dedicamos a brindar una representación legal compasiva y efectiva para las víctimas de accidentes de autobús en Las Vegas. Cuando nos elige, elige un equipo que prioriza sus necesidades y lucha incansablemente para proteger sus derechos.

Así es como marcamos la diferencia:

Enfoque centrado en el cliente

Priorizamos brindar comunicación abierta, atención personalizada y apoyo inquebrantable durante todo su caso.

Trayectoria comprobada

Tenemos un historial de garantizar con éxito resultados favorables para nuestros clientes, incluidos acuerdos importantes y veredictos de juicios.

Sin cargo a menos que ganemos

Tenemos un historial de garantizar con éxito resultados favorables para nuestros clientes, incluidos acuerdos importantes y veredictos de juicios.


Gente real, historias reales

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Obtenga la ayuda legal que se merece: programe una consulta gratuita

Un accidente de autobús puede poner tu vida patas arriba, pero no tienes que pasarlo solo. En Cameron Law, tenemos la experiencia, el conocimiento y la dedicación para luchar por sus derechos y ayudarlo a obtener la compensación que se merece.


  • ¿Qué debo hacer inmediatamente después de un accidente de autobús en Las Vegas?

    Su salud y seguridad son las principales prioridades. Estas son algunas medidas que puede tomar:

    1. Busque atención médica: Incluso si no se siente gravemente lesionado, hágase revisar por un médico; algunas lesiones tienen síntomas tardíos.
    2. Póngase en contacto con la policía: Denuncie el accidente y asegúrese de que se presente un informe policial.
    3. Reúna información: Intercambie los detalles de contacto y del seguro con las otras partes involucradas.
    4. Documente la escena: Si es posible, tome fotos o videos de la escena del accidente, los daños a los vehículos y sus lesiones.
    5. Comuníquese con un abogado de accidentes de autobús en Las Vegas: Podemos ayudarlo a navegar por el proceso legal y proteger sus derechos desde el principio.

    Una vez que se comunique con un bufete de abogados, puede estar seguro de que su abogado se encargará de las comunicaciones con las compañías de seguros y lo asesorará sobre el mejor curso de acción.

  • ¿Mi caso de accidente de autobús irá a juicio?

    La mayoría de los casos de accidentes de autobús se resuelven fuera de los tribunales mediante negociaciones con las compañías de seguros. Sin embargo, si no se puede llegar a un acuerdo justo, estamos preparados para llevar su caso a juicio y luchar por sus derechos en los tribunales.

  • ¿Qué pasa si soy parcialmente culpable de mi accidente?

    En Nevada, si usted es parcialmente culpable de un accidente, aún puede recuperar los daños siempre que no sea responsable en más del 50%. Su compensación se reducirá según su porcentaje de culpa según la regla modificada de negligencia comparativa de Nevada.