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Soporte legal para casos de accidentes de casino
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Representación legal compasiva para víctimas de accidentes de casino en Las Vegas

At Cameron Law, our Las Vegas casino accident attorneys are your dedicated advocates following an injury sustained in a casino. We understand the unique challenges victims face and are committed to providing compassionate, effective legal support. We’ll fight vigorously for the compensation you need to cover your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Your recovery is our top priority!

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Acuerdos que baten récords

Millones recuperados para los clientes

  • Accidente de vehículo de viaje compartido

    1 500 000$


    1 000 000$


    950 000$


    651 548$


    600 000$


    575 000$


    410 000$


    342 000$


    315 637$


    250 000$


    205 000$


    200 000$


    190 000$


    155 000$


    150 000$


    130 000$


    100 000$

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When Is a Casino Liable for Your Injuries?

Casinos owe a high duty of care to their patrons, who are classified as “invited guests” under premises liability law. This duty arises because casinos profit from the presence of these visitors, thus obligating them to ensure a safe environment. If casino owners fail to uphold this responsibility, they may be held liable for any injuries sustained on their property.

Determining liability depends on whether the casino breached its duty of care, leading to harm. For example, if a casino neglects to address a hazardous condition, such as a wet floor, and a patron slips and falls, the casino may be liable for the resulting injuries.

Liability can also extend to negligent actions by employees. If you have been injured due to a casino's negligence, it is crucial to consult with our legal professional at Cameron Law to explore your options for compensation.

When Are Casino Owners Not Guilty?

It's natural to assume that Las Vegas casino owners are always at fault if you're injured on their property, but this is not always the case.

While casinos have a duty to provide a safe environment, there are situations where other parties may be responsible for your injuries. For example, if another patron's reckless behavior causes your injury, or if a third-party contractor working on the premises is negligent, the liability may fall on them instead.

Additionally, certain incidents, like a drunk driver leaving the casino and causing an accident, may not necessarily implicate the casino due to specific legal frameworks, such as the lack of dram shop liability in Nevada. It's important to thoroughly investigate the circumstances of your injury to determine the appropriate party to hold accountable.

The Client-Centric Approach of Cameron Law

At Cameron Law, we prioritize open communication and transparency in our relationships with clients. We believe that keeping you informed throughout the legal process is paramount. Our commitment lies in securing the most favorable outcome possible, and we are prepared to advocate vigorously on your behalf, both in and out of the courtroom.

Our case management commences with a comprehensive investigation to amass the necessary evidence for a robust claim. Subsequently, we engage in diligent negotiations with insurance providers to achieve a fair settlement on your behalf. While negotiation is our primary strategy, we are fully prepared to litigate your case should the need arise.

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Como puede imaginar, demandar a un casino no es tarea fácil. Los casinos de Las Vegas son empresas multimillonarias que saben cómo resolver y resolver rápidamente posibles reclamaciones por accidentes. Sin embargo, estas ofertas de conciliación rara vez favorecen a las víctimas. Por eso es esencial trabajar con un abogado calificado en lesiones en casinos de Las Vegas que pueda ayudarlo a igualar las probabilidades en contra de la casa. Póngase en contacto con Cameron Law, PLLC, hoy mismo para programar una consulta inicial gratuita.

Common Causes of Casino Injuries

Casinos are designed to be enjoyable and secure environments, but accidents can still happen. There are numerous common causes of casino injuries that visitors should be aware of to stay safe:

  • Slipping on Wet Surfaces

    Spilled drinks or recently mopped floors can easily cause a person to lose their footing and fall, leading to serious injuries.

  • Tripping Hazards

    Loose carpeting, cluttered walkways, and poorly marked steps can all cause patrons to trip and injure themselves.

  • Unstable or Broken Seating

    Casino furniture sees heavy use and may not always be in the best condition, making it a potential risk for unsuspecting visitors.

  • Inadequate Lighting

    Poor lighting can lead to trips and falls, as it makes it harder for patrons to see obstacles in their path.

  • Malfunctioning Escalators or Elevators

    These mechanical failures can result in sudden stops or falls, causing serious harm to anyone using them.

  • Parking Lot Accidents

    Poorly maintained surfaces, lack of proper lighting, and negligent drivers can all contribute to accidents in parking areas.

  • Casino Room Dangers

    Faulty locks, broken furniture, and slippery bathroom floors can pose risks to guests.

  • Security Lapses

    Physical altercations or assaults can occur, especially in crowded or dimly lit areas, if adequate security measures are not in place.

Understanding these common hazards can help you take necessary precautions while enjoying your time at a casino. If you are injured in a casino accident, it is crucial to seek appropriate legal assistance to pursue compensation.

Casino Injury Claims and Compensation: How Much Is My Casino Accident Claim Worth?

Determining the value of your personal injury claim for a casino accident requires a thorough evaluation by a skilled attorney who has experience with premises liability cases. Each claim is unique, and the amount of compensation you can receive will depend on several critical factors:

  • Severity of Your Injury

    More severe injuries typically result in higher compensation due to increased medical costs and a greater impact on your life.

  • Age and Occupation

    Your age and job can influence the amount you can claim, especially if your injury affects your ability to work.

  • Pre-Existing Injuries

    If you had any pre-existing conditions, these might affect the compensation value, depending on how they are related to your current injury.

  • Impact on Your Life

    Documenting how your injury has affected your daily life, including pain, symptoms, and limitations, can provide valuable evidence for your claim.

  • Expenses Incurred

    This includes medical bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, diminished earning capacity, and any property damage resulting from the accident.

  • Future Medical Costs

    Projected expenses for ongoing or future medical care are also considered.

  • Pain and Suffering

    Compensation for physical pain, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment of life can significantly influence your claim’s value.

  • Permanent Disability or Disfigurement

    Long-term or permanent impacts of your injury can increase the compensation value.

  • Evidence Against the Defendant

    The strength of evidence showing the defendant’s negligence or fault plays a crucial role.

  • Defendant’s Degree of Negligence

    How negligent the defendant was in causing the accident will affect the compensation.

  • Your Partial Fault

    If you are found partially at fault, your compensation may be reduced by your percentage of fault.

Accurate and thorough documentation is essential to prove the amount of compensation you deserve. The more detailed your evidence, the stronger your case will be, potentially leading to a higher claim value.

How Liability Affects the Value of a Casino Accident Case

In Nevada, the modified comparative negligence law dictates that each party involved in an accident is assigned a percentage of fault. This percentage directly impacts the amount of compensation each party can receive.

If you are found to be partially at fault for your accident, your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault. For instance, if you are awarded $100,000 but are deemed 40% responsible for the accident, you would only receive 60% of the award, equating to $60,000. Importantly, if your fault exceeds 50%, you will not be eligible to receive any compensation.

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Need Assistance with Your Casino Injury Claim?

Don't let your casino injury go uncompensated. Ensure that your claim is taken seriously by consulting with our dedicated legal team. Your initial case evaluation is free! Contact Cameron Law today to schedule your consultation and get the support you deserve.

How Much Does a Las Vegas Casino Injury Lawyer Charge?

Our team works on a contingency fee basis, meaning you do not need to pay any upfront fees to retain our services. Instead, our lawyer will cover the costs of preparing and prosecuting your claim. You will only be responsible for these costs if you win your case.

Typically, a lawyer who works on contingency will take a percentage of your settlement or award as their fee, which usually ranges from 25% to 40%. In most cases, the standard fee is around one-third of your compensation.

However, this percentage can vary depending on the complexity of the case. For example, it may be 33% for a quick settlement and up to 40% if the case goes to trial.

When Should I File My Casino Injury Claim?

If you have been injured in a casino, it is crucial to consult an attorney as soon as possible to discuss filing a personal injury lawsuit.

Typically, victims of a casino’s negligence have only two years from the date of the injury to file a claim. If you fail to file within this timeframe, you may lose your right to seek any compensation for your injuries. Acting promptly ensures that you meet the deadline and preserves your chances of obtaining the compensation you deserve.

How Can a Casino Accident Lawyer Help with My Case?

A casino accident lawyer can provide invaluable support in several ways:

  • Reviewing Your Case

    A skilled lawyer will meticulously review the details of your case in the context of Nevada law and help you understand your legal options.

  • Finding Medical Providers

    We can connect you with reputable medical professionals to ensure you receive the necessary treatment and documentation for your injuries.

  • Collecting Evidence

    Our casino accident lawyer will gather evidence to strengthen your claim, including surveillance footage, witness statements, and medical records.

  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies

    We will handle negotiations with insurance companies on your behalf, protecting you from unfair settlement practices.

  • Representing You in Court

    If a satisfactory settlement cannot be achieved, your attorney will be prepared to represent your interests in court.

Having a lawyer on your side allows you to focus on recovery while they handle the paperwork, deadlines, and negotiations.

Why Make Cameron Law Your First Choice?

At Cameron Law, we understand that choosing the right legal representation is crucial after a serious injury. Here's why you should trust us:

No Fee Unless We Win

You don't pay us anything unless we secure compensation on your behalf.

Compassionate Advocacy

We're here to support you every step of the way, alleviating your stress and helping you focus on healing.

Personalized Service

Our approach centers around personalized service and a true commitment to securing the results you deserve.

With a focus on transparency and a wide network of professional resources, your personal injury claim is in good hands with Cameron Law. 


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8930 W Sunset Road, calle 290
Las Vegas, Nevada 89148
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Contact us now for a complimentary consultation to discuss your case and learn how our Nevada casino accident lawyer can help you secure the financial compensation you deserve.

FAQs About Casino Injury

  • Can I file a claim if I'm a tourist injured in a Las Vegas Casino?

    Absolutely. Being a tourist does not prevent you from seeking compensation for injuries sustained in a Las Vegas casino. We regularly assist out-of-state and international clients in pursuing their claims.

  • Can I pursue a claim if I slipped and fell at a casino while drinking?

    Yes, you can still pursue a claim. While your actions may be considered in determining liability, you may still be entitled to compensation if the casino failed to meet its duty of care. Discussing your situation with an experienced attorney is crucial.

  • Can I seek compensation if the casino claims I’m partly at fault for my injury?

    Yes, you can still seek compensation. Nevada’s modified comparative negligence rule allows you to recover damages as long as you are not more at fault than the other party. Your compensation may be reduced based on your percentage of fault.

  • What is the legal process for filing a casino injury claim?

    The process starts with collecting all necessary evidence, such as medical records and incident reports. We will then file a claim on your behalf with the relevant parties. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, we are prepared to take your case to court.